Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bio-k For Stomach Bug


" Fillini, fillini. "repeats the word several times before the journalists understand." Fillini , as you call them? ", named it the band and the Future of Freedom Ignazio La Russa, coordinator of the PDL and Minister of Defense, during the press conference in Montecitorio presentation of the Feast of the PDL in Milan." Fillini as once were the MSI, MSI, now there are fillini by Fli. In both cases - said he created the neologism Russia - plus a voice. "

So La Russa solved once and for all the debate among politicians on how to define notisti Finian Fli belonging to the group. They were were involved in terms like Futurists, Futurlibertari . And before the establishment of the group, Finistei . Now, Fillini . Signed by Ignazio La Russa. fillini looking forward to know whether they agree or disagree with the new name.


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