It 's a day when the sun shines as ever: his rays blind me, melting my every last residual discomfort. I walk along the famous Avenue Filopanti Bologna and keep thinking what to do for a special day, to live without worry. I head to the house of Elena R., San Donato in the heart of the district. I stop at red pedestrian traffic lights look green and a smile with me waiting. After that I go and hop like a character in some American comedy, even if it does not rain. My desire to meet Elena R. takes precedence over everything, my every step in the distillation of much sought after destination.
been ten minutes and get home by Elena R.: Piggie the intercom button and she opens me promptly. A nice hello and I'm ready to drink coffee. Elena R. is a friendly girl; I know some of Annette (the beginning of my stay in Bologna) and his presence makes me hallucinate in my own state of small man in search of yet another existential shock. As soon as we finish drinking coffee, light our cigarettes and their decision as to a mini-program hours to live, which will see us together. Let's go to the university center: there is a shop in Via Zamboni dell'Estragon famous room where people go to concerts at the moment. Buy two tickets for the event of the year, which will be held right here tonight: The Theatre of Horrors live. Fifteen euro each and you're done. We greet with a bell'arrivederci the girl in the shop and satisfied we head to Piazza Verdi, Via Zamboni, to the north. It's eleven and a half: the sun continues to dazzle us in its brightness and drink an Irish coffee in a bar. We sit and drink steaming hot jars with that makes us sweat a bit '. Elena R. start talking, discussing his employment status, eight hours a day, until the evening and never for a moment of calm, always busy in various documents. I would say that the best thing maybe laziness, rather than live with stress. She rebuke me, trusting that unfortunately the rules of God prevail in today's society money. Since that moment, a punk group comes to us: they are three, they drink their beers and I do compliments on my t-shirt. I'm happy, a little 'intoxicated by alcohol and talk to their music on my shirt topic: talk about the Misfits. Elena R. searches a bit 'these punks and remains pleasantly impressed. Moreover, the three guys seem very scholars who live for the music genre. We continue to talk about punk and drink a beer together. One might add that you are swallowing a bit 'too much alcohol to the south, but the laughs are added in a whirl of gaiety. The three punk, namely Thomas, Pink, and we really like Joe, not the classic punk immoderate, but people who live with her personal dimension graceful consciousness. We tell them the concert of The Theatre of horrors but do not seem to be interested, although they recognize the honesty of the band in question. After the discussion about the concert, me and Elena R. we leave, after warmly greeted our new friends.
are the 16 we are still in digestion, since we ate a sandwich in the center. This time we decide to visit a record store near Independence Street. We are a bit 'tired of our wandering the streets of Bologna and sit opposite the shop, where there is a tobacconist, at the beginning of Via Riva Reno waiting for the opening exercise, smoking Winston galore. Finally the owner of the shop comes in and we access with fearless desire. I'm going along a small corridor, which they are arranged so-called electronic music, Elena instead choose to see the shelf on the left to buy some cd's rock. By the inevitable stereo shop we hear the song "Grace" by Jeff Buckley: a cult for those who understood music nineties. I must admit that I hum the songs on the disc, the same way as Elena. We gaped at and we are down Magone. In the end ne'andiamo the beautiful shop with two CDs in hand: the DJ-Kicks by Kruder & Dorfmeister and the last of Sonic Youth. Among other
a ride, we are again back home. Not before reaching its destination, we stopped at a bar, next to Via San Donato. It 's a place of trust Elena and buy a lot 'of beer, drink on arrival. They are the
20. There is a pizza in the freezer. As soon as it becomes the condition at room temperature with various spices and introduce it into the oven. In a quarter of an hour will be ready and eat, not before having any hope toasted.
E 'and we spent an hour in the car to Estragon. Elena R. behind the wheel.: it goes slowly along Via Stalingrad, laughing like crazy. We arrived at the place where there will be a concert. There is a lot 'of people, which is in line to enter. Finally we are in the room: there is a nice bar, yards and yards long. Now you can drink a beer in two, waiting it fills the place, and then attend the concert. The clamor of the people slowly increases as the Estragon gradually filled. We are thrilled. In fact, after listening to the two disks in the group will be a great desire to follow them directly. The scene of horror, grotesque name for a rock band, it takes forever.
At 22.30 it's showtime. The people cry out, just the band members make their entrance on stage. The opening song is "Teresa Partner": the audience sang "Teresaaa", boasting fantastic in this chorus, which is accompanied by the notes of a guitar really overflowing. Followed by "In Cold Blood", a song dedicated to Ken Saro Wiwa. A piece of effort, we all listen to it with rigor and energy. After that, our heroes continue to sciorinare their art in the best way, by proposing two passages from their work with a shocking casualness. They pass well and three-quarters of an hour the group takes refuge in the back-stage to prepare for an encore. People continue to whistle as a sign of pending and in the blink of an eye the band begins to play. "My Life" concludes the live act in the best way. Elena Guardo R. and cry with all his might: "We dueee." The student spirit winds between us.
We're going home. Elena R. accompanied me in my humble abode. We remain a bit 'car.
Me and Elena R.
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