Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Measuring Light Intensity Using Ldr


Monday, January 31, 2011 has reached the expected publication in the Official Gazette of the decree establishing the obligation of the MIPAAF census for recreational fishing at sea.
From now shoot the countdown for its entry into force of the decree, which provides for a period of 90 days vacatio legis from the date of publication in the Official Gazette. In practice, starting May 1 will be mandatory to fill in the questionnaire in order to engage in any fishing technique, not professional, at sea. As of May 1, therefore, who will found devoid of communication census will have 10 days to come into compliance without incurring any penalty. It seems to me also clear that if you are not connected, even if you do not make the fine touches immediately stop fishing.

The procedure is done through the Internet. Making your registration by providing: full name of the fisherman or the representative of the association, email (inbox) to send confirmation of registration, identification and password, the only references to the associations, the name of the association to which they are attached. ENTER HERE : Http://pescasportiva.politicheagricole.gov.it/flex/FixedPages/IT/Register.php/L/IT/BL/aHR0cDovL3Blc2Nhc3BvcnRpdmEucG9saXRpY2hlYWdyaWNvbGUuZ292Lml0L2ZsZXgvRml4ZWRQYWdlcy9JVC9TZXJ2ZVVSSS5waHAvTC9JVA% 3D% 3D

It gives a first page in which to insert the identity of the fisherman, and a second for information specific to the type of fishing. To confirm the proper completion of tasks you can print the certificate of the communication.
If the fisherman or group wishing to reprint the certificate, will be sufficient to regain access to the website of the Ministry, identify and provide again the generality of the fishermen concerned.

"For problems with the application or entering information write to e-mail: censimentopescasportiva@politicheagricole.gov.it "


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