Monday, February 14, 2011

Friendship Picnik Sayings

Papi-girls-revolution era of Bunga Bunga

From the chronicles of the phenomenon Noemi Bunga Bunga until Ruby-gate, the ' female population has experienced in months a representation humiliating perfectly summed up by a rich vocabulary coined by newspapers.

Papi-girls is "the army of soubrette, meteorinas, valleys, aspiring actresses guests of Silvio Berlusconi" ( Republic, February 7, 2011). Papi-girls, with the element popes recalling the story of young Letizia.

L'Espresso (February 4, 2011) has instead "revealed a system," organizational structure "that selects and finances dozens of young, roles and distributing money." Within the system there would be coloradine and meteorinas (the girls in the evenings to throw open the doors to Arcore TV programs like weather Emilio Fede), the bungarelle (which would have been intercepted with bags of banknotes after the evening Bunga-bunga), the Olgettina (the girls became famous because they placed the residence dell'Olgetta), the consiglierine (the most good that can come into politics), the onorevoline (the beloved "to whom Berlusconi promises a place in Parliament" ).

Faced with this scenario, Massimo Gramellini Press on Thursday claimed responsibility for the coining of the term Bunga burqa, a colorful synonym of dignity about the world of women with respect to "those who think that there is a cross between a burqa and bunga bunga."

While the PDL is clear a new category of women defined by the site draghesse . The draghesse are notably Daniela Santanche and Michela Brambilla accused in the PDL of the feminine "to have thoughts and actions of the Chief Commissioner," that is Silvio Berlusconi. "Since the outbreak, with the noise that we know, the Ruby case, Berlusconi trusts only the female gender. (...) Ladies, these ladies, represent the ideal link between the reassuring côté trivialization of the red light and the exploitation of that in political perspective. "


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